If I’m having a really hard time motivating myself to write–and by write, I mean planting myself in a chair to just do it–I make a date. There are several advantages to making a date.
1. The time is scheduled. I feel obligated just because it’s in my datebook. I feel even more obligated if I announce that I have a writing date on Twitter or similar.
2. If I don’t show up, my fellow writer will be annoyed.
3. If I show up and don’t write, the date will be a failure.
4. If I don’t show up, or show up and don’t write, then I have to tell people I wimped out.
5. I always feel better after I’ve added wordcount.
So, essentially, a writing date shames me into writing. There are other reasons for writing dates, for instance seeing a writer friend, but right now, making myself write is the main reason for me.
So you actually go somewhere and write together? I've noticed a couple of my writing buddies announce on Facebook that they're writing, but each from their own homes.
I haven't written anything since the beginning of June.
Yep! That way, neither person can be distracted by, say, their laundry.
I didn't know that you wrote as two people. I thought you were one person.