Monthly Archives: April 2011

“Dirge Without Music,” Edna St. Vincent Millay

Joanna Russ passed away yesterday, after being in poor health for many years. Sarah Monette reminded me of this poem. Dirge Without Music I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground. So it … Continue reading

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Criminal Element is live!

I’ve been doing some blogging for a new mystery/crime novel site, The Criminal Element, and it’s finally launched this week! My first post for the site is Crime’s Couples: Barbara Hambly’s Benjamin January and Rose Vitrac, from her series of … Continue reading

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History and Diction

I’ve been reading through a lot of Regencies in my TBR lately, and one thing I notice frequently is the diction. I go back and forth a lot on the issue of historical diction. To me, diction is the base … Continue reading

Posted in historical fiction, reading, romance novels, writing craft | 2 Comments

The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance – Pre-Order

[Edited to correct release date] The American edition of The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance is available for pre-order! Official release date is now August 23, 2011. My story in the anthology is called “Crimean Fairy Tale.” Here’s a snippet: … Continue reading

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“Stand-to: Good Friday Morning,” Siegfried Sassoon

Stand-to: Good Friday Morning I’d been on duty from two till four. I went and stared at the dug-out door. Down in the frowst I heard them snore. ‘Stand to!’ Somebody grunted and swore. Dawn was misty; the skies were … Continue reading

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“Romance Novels” Linkgasm

I’ve got a new post up at Heroes and Heartbreakers: Just a Gigolo…Romance Hero? # Out of curiosity, I recently did a search on the phrase “romance novels.” This was prompted by a conversation I had with Magdalen of Promantica, … Continue reading

Posted in genre, links, romance novels | Comments Off on “Romance Novels” Linkgasm

Just a Gigolo…Hero?

Today at Heroes and Heartbreakers, Just a Gigolo…Hero?, in which I discuss some of the ways in which romance heroes have been, umm, on the game. Kate’s Father: I’m sad because, my darling, our poverty has reached such extremes that … Continue reading

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The Regency TBR – Help me!

I have a pile of Regency romances (of the Signet Regency variety) in my TBR. I need help in prioritizing. Many of these were recommended by Twitter friends and bloggers whom I read. Which five would you recommend I move … Continue reading

Posted in reading, recommendations, romance novels | Tagged | 10 Comments

Jane Eyre (2011)

I’ve finally seen the 2011 adaptation of Jane Eyre, starring Mia Wasikowska in the title role and Michael Fassbender as Rochester. Wasikowska is probably best known for her role as Alice in the 2010 Tim Burton movie Alice in Wonderland; … Continue reading

Posted in brontë, movies, reading | 4 Comments

Linkgasm: A Friday Erotic Miscellany

I’m a guest at the Novelists, Inc. blog today, chatting about resting. At Heroes and Heartbreakers, you can read my analysis of Balogh’s Tangled as an erotic romance. and my top 5 virgin (romance) heroes. On to the links I … Continue reading

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