If you’ve written a convention report, the Readercon LiveJournal community is asking that you post a link in the comments here.
Sherwood Smith proposed an online Bittercon for those unable to attend Readercon. AttackFish has an essay on “Are We Not Men – Human Women and Beast-Men in Paranormal Romance” with some in-depth comments. There’s a long discussion of the same topic in comments over at Sherwood Smith’s LiveJournal. Also from Bittercon, Why We Love Bad Writing.
So far as actual attendance goes, Erin Kissane live-blogged/reported on several panels: The Pseudo-Religiosity of Teleological SF; Borders (If Any) Between Fan Fiction and Original Fiction; and Eucatastrophe.
Transcript of “Still Waiting for My Food Pills” (with pictures!) at the Belm Blog.
Madeleine Robins reports. (Her new Sarah Tolerance book is out this fall!)