This weekend, I’ll be at the 75th annual Philcon.
Here’s my schedule:
Fri 7:00 – 8:00 PM in Plaza III
“Story Openings”
Victoria Janssen (mod), Marilyn Brahen, Tim W. Burke, Ty Drago, Michael F. Flynn
If you cannot seize and hold the reader’s (or the editor’s) attention by the end of the first page, the rest of the manuscript might as well be blank. So how do you do that?
Sat 5:00 – 6:00 PM in Crystal Ballroom Three
“It’s Time To Play The Music, It’s Time To Light The Lights… Meet The Muppets!”
Shira Lipkin (mod), Rebecca Marcus, Victoria Janssen, Peter Prellwitz, Bill Spangler, Kat Grossberg
Kermit, Miss Piggy, and the crew are back! Why do we still love The Muppets after all these years? What were you favorite episode or movie moments?
Sat 7:00 – 8:00 PM in Plaza III
“Images Of Heroism In Literature And Art”
Anna Kashina (mod), Ellen Asher, Carole Buggé, Victoria Janssen, Rebecca Robare
Does a real hero need to look heroic? Why are fantasy heroes (and heroines) always portrayed as musclebound and showing lots of skin?
Sat 9:00 -10:00 PM in Crystal Ballroom Three
“Tarzan And John Carter: The Appeal Of Edgar Rice Burroughs”
Victoria Janssen (mod), Stephanie Burke, Richard Stout, Lee Gilliland, Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo
John Carter of Mars has another film adaption from Disney coming out next year. Tarzan has become one of the genuinely iconic characters in 20th century fiction. What did Edgar Rice Burroughs do that made them so enduring?
Sun 2:00 – 3:00 PM in Plaza II
“An SF Primer”
D. Douglas Fratz (mod), Michael J. Walsh, Muriel Hykes, Victoria Janssen
Many people new to the genre ask “What do I need to read?” Moving beyond Heinlein, Scalzi and Mieville, who do our panel of writers suggest?
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