I hadn’t been writing for a while when I started up again a week or so ago. There are a lot of reasons, among them needing a break, coming up with my next big project (still working on that!), and achieving distance from a project so I could rework it into another form.
All those things take up a lot of my backbrain, which means that I haven’t been consciously thinking about writing very much, lately. Which is why I haven’t been writing about it much lately, either.
It’s hard for me to write about writing when I’m, well, writing. I’m not sure if it’s because I am incapable of it or, as seems more likely, thinking consciously about writing inhibits me psychologically when it comes to writing fiction.
I do have some ideas for writing craft posts, but I also wanted to ask: if you’re reading this, do you have a craft issue you’d like me to post about? Be as general or as specific as you like.
How you build characters. Specifically, how much is simply inspiration, what planning you do at the outset and how it might develop as you begin to write. All my favourite books are character-driven and flimsy characters are often at the root of my liking particular stories.
Sorry, that last sentence should read “.. at the root of my DISliking particular stories”
Ooh. I like that. Also that you gave me a lot of questions to work with on the one issue. I will definitely post about that.
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