“Under Her Uniform, a Spice Brief” is now available as an audiobook: at Audible.com. It’s read by Kelsey Larsen and lasts one hour and thirty-five minutes. It costs $2.95 if you don’t have an Audible account, or is free if you sign up for a trial membership.
Also, I’ve updated the list of places where you can buy the e-book:
Kindle, $2.99; Nook, $2.99; Harlequin e-book (Adobe editions), $2.39. Google e-book from Powell’s. The Sony Bookstore. Mills and Boon e-book (UK).
If you’re new to this blog, “Under Her Uniform” is a Spice Brief (electronic form only) that I wrote, which gives some additional storyline to Hailey/ Hailey is one of the characters in my Spice novel The Moonlight Mistress. It’s set during World War One, and there’s adventure and werewolves as well as erotica. Also, the cover is possibly my most naked cover ever!
“Under Her Uniform” does not have any werewolves in it. Sorry about that. But it does have cross-dressing!