Tag Archives: jane eyre

Jane Eyre in the Carnival Mirror

Finally, I’m going backwards to the scenes surrounding Jane and Rochester’s wedding day, and tying those into the repeated reflections of Jane in Bertha and in Rochester himself. Several times throughout the novel, Jane’s true feelings escape the barriers she … Continue reading

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Jane Eyre A-Wandering in Search of Family

I left off yesterday when Jane departs Thornfield for Gateshead, where her Aunt Reed lies dying. Mrs. Reed’s dislike of Jane is finally explained more fully; she was jealous of her husband’s affection for his sister, Jane’s mother, and of … Continue reading

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Jane Eyre Advertises, Will Travel

I’m a guest poster today at the Novelists, Inc. Blog on “Promotional Drops in the Online Bucket.” Please drop by and check it out! I recently re-read Jane Eyre in conjunction with Jessica of Read React Review, and am posting … Continue reading

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