Five Ways Of Thinking About A Writers’ Conference
1. Do I have enough contacts with readers and other writers?
Hint: The answer to this is always no.
Can I afford the time and money to attend this conference?
2. Budget – where is the conference located? Are there alternative ways to get there? How do those stack up against your budgets of a) time and b) money? How does the conference conflict with other events in your life?
3. Budget – once you arrive, where will you stay and what will you eat? How do those alternatives stack up against your budgets of a) time and b) money? If money is short, how can you save money? Are there additional costs, such as registration fees or promotional items?
4. Do I already know some people attending this conference? Do I want to see them while I’m there, or can I see them easily under other circumstances? If I do want to see them, I should contact them ahead of time.
5. What is my focus on attending this conference? Teaching, learning, promotional, or a combination? Meeting readers? Meeting other writers? Attending workshops that will teach me something? Teaching something to other people? Hanging out with people I already know? Or some combination of these things? Plan accordingly.
Related Post: My Top 5 Conference Tips.
I'm the much the same boat. For me it's been money the last few years. Now that I have my nursing license, I think I can swing it next year. I definetly want to promote my writing to some agents and publishers. Working on getting all my MS's tightened up and in top shape.
Good thoughts! As a soon to be pubbed, I really want to go, but was wondering whether I should wait until I have a book in hand…or is it even more crucial to go pre-release so I can learn what to be ready for.
To go to conference or not to go to conference – I ask myself that before every RT and RWA conference. After conference, when everyone talks about how great it was, I always wish I had gone. This year, RT is within driving distance for me, but still…um…decisions, decisions.
Great tips, Victoria!
Jeannie, I went to RWA the first time after a contract but before the book came out–I wanted to learn how to navigate the conference ahead of time. But the decision was easier because I wanted to visit San Francisco anyway, and had friends with whom I could stay for part of the trip.
Technically I can afford to go to both RT and RWA next year because I have a lot of contracts. But, having a lot of contracts means I can't afford the time off writing to go to both of them-ah-the irony…
I have been considering that issue, even though my work load is considerably less than yours.
I think if I can drag my CP. Alright, I know that's not one of the 5 reasons.
Heh. Another reason I'm considering going is because a friend with whom I used to workshop is attending.