Saturday, 11:00 am – 11:55 am, Monroe
“Fan Fiction”
What we like to write; what we like to read. Honing one’s skills through writing fan fiction.
T. Eric Bakutis, Victoria Janssen [moderator], Steven H. Wilson, Alyssa Wong
Saturday, 1:00 pm – 1:55 pm, Monroe
“What Are the New Questions SF Should be Asking?”
SF in particular is meant to be a forward-looking genre. What questions should contemporary SFF writers be asking that they are not? What issues are being successfully addressed?
David Bartell [moderator], Charles E. Gannon, Victoria Janssen
Saturday, 2:00 pm – 2:55 pm, Eisenhower
“I Need to Finish This Story….”
What we do to force our butts into our seats and get writing and keep writing.
Jeanne Adams, Doc Coleman, Victoria Janssen [moderator], Jack Skillingstead
Saturday, 5:00 pm – 5:55 pm, Washington Theater
“Writers As Fans: How Fandom Influences Our Writing”
A panel of writers discusses their favorite fandoms and how their passions have inspired and influenced their writing.
Andrew Fox [moderator], J. L. Gribble, Victoria Janssen, Hildy Silverman