I breezed through Devoted in Death by J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts). This series isn’t getting any better, but offers the comfort of familiar characters and plot patterns. A new character was introduced, a deputy from out of state, who I thought might be a spinoff character. Either that or he was just there to make up wordcount.
Brotherhood in Death by J.D. Robb felt really familiar at times, at least in the mystery part; she must have written a similar plot at some point earlier in this very long series. It has some points to make about revenge.
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab is a historical fantasy about parallel but very different Georgian Londons and the people who can travel between them. Also features a cross-dressing woman (always good!) and Evil Siblings. It’s going to be a series.
Defender Dragon (Protection, Inc. Book 2) by Zoe Chant is a short, lightweight paranormal romance, with a contemporary fairy tale theme.
The Devourers by Indra Das is a little depressing, but I was drawn in anyway by the prose style. It’s set in India, with a history professor who meets a mysterious stranger who claims to be half-werewolf, and who provides historical first-person documents about the shapeshifters.
The Unapologetic Fat Girl’s Guide to Exercise and Other Incendiary Acts by Hanne Blank provides a lot of good reasons to exercise, and strategies to overcome your psyche’s objections to exercising, locker rooms, annoying people who comment on your workout, and other issues.
James Rhodes and the Hyde Park Knitting Circle by Poetry crosses Leverage with the Rivers of London series. You’re welcome.
have you heard by peradi is Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Written in an interesting style, this is an exploration of a series of consequences following on Finn’s defection.
I Could Walk Out, But I Won’t by napricot, is Avengers fiction: Sam and Bucky go on a road trip, and Sam doesn’t have to suffer through the pain of a friend’s death alone. Very emotionally satisfying.