Category Archives: vampires

Dracula, by one person, in one hour

I did something cool Monday night. Friends of mine invited me to their house to see a one-man show of Dracula, performed in one hour. There was no way I could resist. The picture illustrating this post was taken by … Continue reading

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Paranormal Allegories

I have a post on Heroes and Heartbreakers today: “If You Build It, They Will Come: Worldbuilding in Urban Fantasy.” Now, on to today’s post! What do the paranormal creatures in Paranormal Romance represent? Are they allegories? You could say, … Continue reading

Posted in paranormal, sf/f, vampires, werewolves, writing | 4 Comments

Janet Mullany – Guest Post

Please welcome my guest, Janet Mullany! # IMMORTAL JANEHe released her hands and stood. “Consider, Jane. You’ll marry some bore of a country gentleman who’ll kill you in childbed and who won’t want a bookish wife anyway. Perhaps you’ll stay … Continue reading

Posted in guest, historical fiction, paranormal, vampires | 4 Comments

"On the Female Vampire," Evie Byrne Guest Post

Please welcome my guest, Evie Byrne! # On the Female Vampire A monster is monstrous because it violates accepted boundaries. Often these boundaries are physical. Creatures of the twilight world like minotaurs, werewolves, insectoid aliens, selkies, sirens and mermaids cause … Continue reading

Posted in guest, vampires, women | 10 Comments

May-Ten-Centuries-Back Vampire Romance

The May/December romance is one thing. The May/Ten Centuries Back romance is quite another. It’s always disturbed me a little that vampire heroes in romance are so often much older than their heroines. When the heroine is not only not … Continue reading

Posted in reading, vampires, writing craft | 2 Comments

Roll Your Own – Anna Katherine Guest Post

Please welcome my guest, Anna Katherine! # Roll Your Own One of the biggest issues with writing any paranormal beastie is the need to bring something new to the table. With everybody writing about vampires these days, why should someone … Continue reading

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Vulnerable Vampires

I would love to see vampire heroes and heroines who are more vulnerable, even, than ordinary humans. I know most readers don’t want to see that, but I do. Vulnerability is what draws me to a character. I want them … Continue reading

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A Little History With Those Vampires, Ma’am?

I absolutely adore historical fantasy, and that carries over to vampire novels that happen to be historical fantasy.Moonshine by Alaya Johnson just came out this month; I was fortunate enough to receive an advance copy in April, due to running … Continue reading

Posted in reading, recommendations, sf/f, vampires | 1 Comment

"The Metamorphoses of a Vampire," Charles Baudelaire

The Metamorphoses of a Vampire Meanwhile, from her red mouth the woman, in husky tones,Twisting her body like a serpent upon hot stonesAnd straining her white breasts from their imprisonment,Let fall these words, as potent as a heavy scent:“My lips … Continue reading

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Non-European Vampire Linkgasm

In keeping with my run of guest posts on vampires, this is a special edition of Linkgasm focusing on our bloodsucking (and lifesucking) friends outside of Europe. Vikram and the Vampire, translated by Richard R. Burton (1870). More about the … Continue reading

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