My February Reading Log

I have belatedly read The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett, and wow did it have a lot more going on than I was expecting even though, this being Pratchett, I should have expected themes such as the What Is the Meaning of Life, What Happens to Us When We Die, and Nothing Can Be Solved Unless People Talk to Each Other. And on top of all that, The Importance of Stories is a major theme. Basically, some rats near Unseen University gain speech and intelligence after eating magical detritus from the wizards’ trash heap; together with Maurice the cat who’s also been Changed, they end up working with a human boy to run a scam in which the rats invade a town and the boy, for a fee, pipes them out of town. The boy and the rats are tired of the scam but they agree to One Last Score…except something is weird about this town. There are no keekees (rats who have not been Changed) yet there’s famine because rats have supposedly eaten all the stored food. This turns out to be a convoluted plot which it takes everyone to figure out, including the story-obsessed mayor’s daughter. Recommended.

The Building of the House by kvikindi is set in the X-Men movieverse after X-Men: Apocalypse, and is a terrific interpretation of Peter Maximoff’s speed powers through narrative style. Peter is the pov character and his breathless very very long digressive sentences, skimming along the surface of truths he doesn’t want to admit to himself, are just brilliant. Peter’s finally met his father, who is a grim supervillain; what is he going to do about it?

the wires for empathy by napricot is a slow burn romance and road trip story about The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. They work at finding ways to use super powers for making things better without punching people; replacing destruction with community. It’s great.

stop the world (for a moment) by azurewaxwing for thievinghippo is an ice skating AU of the Chinese show The Untamed, which I haven’t seen in its entirety; I am sure I missed some in-jokes. Set in the modern day, Lan Zhan is a popular erudite figure skating commentator whom the network has unexpectedly paired with motormouthed former skater Wei Ying. The near-opposites turn out to work well together. I particularly enjoyed how they practice together by commenting on other sports.

A Series of Unfortunate Collisions by Scourge_of_Nemo is a Star Wars AU in which bounty hunter reality shows are a thing. Hardscrabble hunter Din Djarin, striving to support his adoptive son Grogu and the children of his covert, only slowly realizes he’s in a slow burn romance with major figure Boba Fett. I always like seeing art from the artist’s side, and I loved that Fennec Shand’s editing skills are highly valued.

My Heart Will Be Your Home by dr_girlfriend is a sweet Avengers AU and Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton romance. Clint had left the spy life behind when he and his wife Bobbi Morse had a child; now divorced, he’s a single father who helps out the Avengers in the midst of an attack. It’s a sweet story about two people with a lot of regrets and pain learning to move forward.

Not a Second Time by FaustianSlip is an epic M.A.S.H. sequel, set during the Vietnam War. B.J. Hunnicutt has not been in touch with Hawkeye Pierce since they left Korea, and he also hasn’t told Hawkeye why. Drama ensues when Hawkeye’s elderly father dies and, overwhelmed by loneliness and loss, he enlists in the Army. Margaret Houlihan tells B.J., who realizes he can’t suppress his feelings any more. This story had a very old school slash feel, with some excellent historical detail, and a lot of same-sex relationships playing out despite the less-welcoming time period.

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#TBR Challenge – Furry Friends: The Wider Worlds of Jim Henson, edited by Jennifer C. Garlen and Anissa M. Graham

The Wider Worlds of Jim Henson, edited by Jennifer C. Garlen and Anissa M. Graham is a collection of essays about various Jim Henson productions. I am huge fan of Henson’s work, but managed never to see Fraggle Rock because I didn’t have HBO; I learned a lot about the show from this book!

Some of the essays, I was surprised to note, treated the worldbuilding in a meta fashion, for instance comparing ways to “read” Fraggle Rock and The Dark Crystal through various lenses, including ecological, postcolonial, or Marxist criticism (but concluding, as makes the most sense, that to interpret them as fantasy narratives is the best method). Another essay whimsically explores the beings of Fraggle Rock realistically as part of an ecosystem. Labyrinth and Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas are also represented in the collection, though not as much as Fraggle Rock.

There’s an essay on The Jim Henson Hour, which I never was able to see in its entirety, that gave me a renewed desire to see the episodes I missed. I especially enjoyed reading more about the Henson Company’s work on Dinosaurs, about which I knew practically nothing despite having seen a few key episodes, and the alien puppets on Farscape, a show I love.

I can see myself revisiting some of these essays as I watch and rewatch Henson’s work, and I continue to feel that he died far too soon.

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My January Reading Log

Roux for Two by Aurora Rey was a cute, lowkey contemporary romance between a fat queer femme and a trans man. Chef Chelsea Boudreaux has just gotten her own show, which will be filmed in the small south Louisiana town she left behind; her career is about to take off and take her places. College academic advisor Bryce Cormier has lived in the same town with his loving family for his whole life and never plans to move anywhere else; he longs for a partner and, eventually, children. Their unspoken high school crushes are revived when Chelsea comes back to town, and friendship turns to attraction turns to a red-hot relationship. Conflict arises, of course, but it’s gentle and resolved by the characters using their words. I enjoyed this a lot and would read more by this author.

My January TBR Challenge book was Territory by Emma Bull.

Some Honorable Deed by Maykenfan is a Vorkosiverse Alternate Universe in which Aral Vorkosigan returns to Beta Colony with Cordelia instead of returning to Barrayar after the death of Prince Serg. They’re settled in, Aral’s in therapy, and they’ve banked embryos when Simon Illyan arrives to inform them of the death of Emperor Ezar. Aral becomes Regent, but while some major events adhere to canon, many others don’t. I enjoyed this in the way I usually enjoy AUs, especially the relationships that played out differently due to the branching-off point, and more characters living through the story than in canon. Padma Vorpatril lives, and his relationship with Aral is a delight.

Mutants and Mutants by Ecarden is what I call a “puzzle” story; the author explores how a character from one series, in this case Simon Illyan from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosiverse, might handle the issue of a corrupt organization, the Mutant Response Division, if alone in the Marvel Comics world. As this crossover would never have occurred to me, I’m finding it very interesting! Illyan unceremoniously arrives in a warehouse, accidentally summoned by a young mutant not in control of her powers. From there the story becomes an infiltration procedural of reforming an organization from the inside. Characterization is less a priority than following the steps needed to keep what’s useful while chipping away at anti-mutant prejudice.

Perception Check (Roll for Romance) by kaydeefalls for Prinzenhasserin is a hilarious follow-up to the Dungeons and Dragons movie, in which narrator Edgin keeps running into immaculate paladin Xenk.

A Universe Next Door by aliset is a post Captain America: Civil War series set in Wakanda which I continued reading this month. The third story, “As He Paints, He is Looking at His Heart” can be read without the previous stories, but is better if you know the setting. There’s some cool speculation about Wakandan art as Steve and Bucky work towards recovery.

The Lost of Winter by Fiona15351 for mazily is set in The Goblin Emperor universe, and follows Thara Celehar after the ending of the most recent book; the plot includes a budding romance and some days in the life.

Anamnesis by linman is for Simon Illyan fans; it’s a collection of missing scenes from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Memory all relating to the memory loss Simon experiences in that book, and how he adjusts afterwards. If you haven’t read the book, this story probably won’t make sense, but if you have, I found it beautiful.

unless you play it good and right by trell (qunlat) is a Vorkosiverse slash casefic in which Ivan Vorpatril accompanies Byerly Vorrutyer on a mission for ImpSec, while pondering how to tell By that both he and his Jacksonian wife are interested in a romantic relationship if By is also interested. By, of course, is also pining for Ivan but feels he’s now off-limits because he’s married. It all works out great in the end.

The Blood in Your Veins by Aelaer is a Marvel universe alternate universe that sets up the beginning of a Tony Stark/Stephen Strange relationship. Mostly, however, it’s about Hollywood science, being held captive, and then escaping. Set during Tony’s palladium poisoning in Iron Man 2, he’s been captured by the Ten Rings. An assortment of doctors, including pov character Strange, have been kidnapped to keep him alive. Strange is early in his career and is characterized as lonely and socially awkward but still confident in his abilities; he develops connections with the other doctors. Content warning for one upsetting death of an original character.

Our Guard (a docu-holo sponsored by the Coruscant Communications Bureau) by FortinbrasFTW is yet another Star Wars fixit for the events of The Clone Wars. Point of view character Fox, head of the Coruscant Guard, is being followed around by a camera droid when he accidentally causes what he thinks is a disaster but of course is really, really not. I enjoyed how The Force was portrayed in this story as well as the ins and outs of how the war is ended.

the ship in port is the safer one (but it’s not the reason it was made) by KiaraSayre is a direct sequel to the first AU Star Trek movie (with Chris Pine). What happens when a recent cadet is placed in charge of a starship? While their first mission is simple, the many problems a captain must solve are not. This story is all about problem-solving and learning experiences, so I enjoyed it a lot.

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#TBR Challenge – Once More With Feeling: Territory by Emma Bull

Territory by Emma Bull, in the fantasy sub-genre now called Weird West, was published in 2007. I bought it immediately in hardcover because I loved previous books by Bull…but then it sat in the TBR because I wasn’t very interested in the town of Tombstone and the OK Corral, which it seemed the story was about. I am pleased to report that the book is not actually about the OK Corral. Various Earps are everywhere (Wyatt, Virgil, Morgan, Jim, etc.) as well as subsidiary pov character Doc Holliday, but I confess I was much more interested in the original characters.

Warning: this post includes plot spoilers. If you do not like plot spoilers, and plan to read this book, click away.

The fantasy elements are slow to emerge. The story is more about the vividly portrayed mining town of Tombstone in 1880, a Stranger Who Comes to Town, and a lot of fascinating women, with swirling tensions surrounding the Earps in the background. The magical element is linked to the stranger, Jesse Fox, and his friend and mentor Chow Lung. The female point of view character, widow Mildred Benjamin, and the women she encounters (Kate Holliday, and several of the Mrs. Earps among them) are what caught my attention, however. I wanted a lot more about them. Jesse is a cipher at first; I didn’t find him interesting until he began bantering with mercurial Chow Lung, and was not pleased when, much later, Lung was killed, leaving Jesse a bit lopsided.

Mildred intrigued me from the start. She works as a typesetter at a local newspaper, where the editor, it’s clear to the reader if not to Mildred, thinks she should be a reporter. After selling a romantic adventure story to a magazine, Mildred researches and writes her first story for the paper; her experiences of receiving a response to her story, and having her first effort at journalism edited, were my favorite scenes in the novel. I also loved seeing her friendship with Mrs. Austerberg, wife of the local shopkeeper, and her growing relationships with other women in the town.

Jesse first denying and finally embracing his magical abilities were a reasonable arc, but I felt the fantasy element as a whole felt vaguely unfinished, possibly because the OK Corral battle, which I had assumed would be the climax of the book, did not happen. It looked to be on the horizon, but seemed an odd omission unless another book or books was planned to follow. I was left slightly unsatisfied overall, but glad that I’d finally gotten around to the book.

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HEA Quest!

Calling all fantasy and science-fiction romance writers! Join the SFWA-sponsored HEA Quest on Saturday, January 20th, 2024, 9AM – 12PM PT, for a virtual meet-up featuring three panels of writers, editors, and experts in the industry. This is a great place for traditional, hybrid, and indie romance writers to hear from experts in the industry, get inspired, ask questions, and get to know other authors.

Click this link to view the meet-up schedule, featured speakers, and to register. Just $10 will grant you access for the three online panels and breakout rooms. 2023 Nebula Conference Attendees: You have already paid for this meetup! Please do not register on this page. Please visit HEA Quest – Nebula Awards Conference Online ( for instructions on how to RSVP your attendance.

We’ll have three stellar panels of industry experts covering topics of importance to writers and breakout rooms at the end for networking and community building. If you write any combination of speculative fiction and romance, this meetup is for you!

9:00-12:00 – Panels
12:00-1:00 – Social time and Networking

Editor Roundtable: 9:00 AM
Liz Pellitier, Entangled Publishing
Monique Patterson, Bramble
Melissa Frain, Melissa Frain Editorial

Burnout and Time Management: 10:00 AM
Sarra Cannon, Heart Breathings
Becca Syme, Better Faster Academy

Marketing through Newsletters: 11:00 AM
Tammi Labreque, Newsletter Ninja
Kilby Blades
A.M. Lau, Pomegranate Authors

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My December Reading Log

Bookshops and Bonedust by Travis Baldree is a prequel to Legends and Lattes, set early in orc narrator Viv’s career as a mercenary. When she’s sidelined in a small town by a leg wound, boredom leads her to make new friends and try new experiences in a way that will influence her later in life, after she retires and opens a coffee shop. So, basically, it’s very similar to Legends and Lattes, and if you liked that one, you will very likely enjoy this one as well. I actually liked it a bit better because of the deft commentary on genre books and reading and what those things do for us as people. It was soothing and hopeful. Recommended.

Far from the Light of Heaven by Tade Thompson is a murder mystery set on a spaceship that starts out slow and then grows steadily weirder. I enjoyed it a lot, mostly because it didn’t follow patterns I expected. The worldbuilding includes interstellar travel, but no massive empires, only isolated habitats and colony worlds that rely on AI pilots and sentient “artificials” who are often in humanoid form. There’s an underlying theme of the harm capitalism can cause, and the results of unchecked power attained without compassion. Content warning for a bit of gore and being trapped on a spaceship you can’t trust.

My TBR Challenge book for December was Coming Home for Christmas by Carla Kelly.

The Good Neighbors by author Holly Black and artist Ted Naifeh is a series of three short young adult graphic novels: Kin, Kith, and Kind. The art is black and white and very Goth-y in style, which suits a creepy, atmospheric story of dark Faerie intruding on the mortal world. When the first installment opens, teenaged Rue’s mother has been missing for several weeks and her father is in a stupor of depression; Rue’s shocked when he’s accused of murdering one of his students as well as her mother, a mystery which is not entirely solved until much later. Rue sometimes sees strange beings invisible to others; of course it turns out she has faerie blood, and with her boyfriend and two other closest friends, is soon caught up in trying to prevent an incursion of immortals. As usual with Black, the teenagers are vividly realistic with complex problems resonating with the supernatural plotline.

New Lands for the Living by SassySnowperson is an alternate universe for the original Star Wars series, branching off from a disastrous future in which the First Order causes a devastating famine. Poe Dameron is sent back through time via something something The Force, and ends up meeting Luke Skywalker, aged 18, on Tatooine. In order to obtain legal documents, despite Poe’s misgivings, they get married. Luke is willing to consummate the marriage; Poe, much older and with secrets about the future, is not, at least not until Luke is older. This story is a combination of arranged marriage pining and fixit fic, with added interest from Poe discovering though he’s lost the life he had, a new life with new choices lies ahead. It was sweet and hopeful, and showed how the changes Poe made resonate down the years.

to ask about loyalty by tasara_bokka is a Vorkosiverse story from Ivan Vorpatril’s point of view, set in the period just before Miles and Ekaterin’s wedding. I really liked how the author showed Ivan’s loyalty and love for his family as well as his honed social skills, for which he doesn’t seem to get much credit while in the shadow of others. I always enjoy seeing exploration of how a secondary character might have reacted to major plot events, when we didn’t see it in canon. This writer has stories in Russian as well as English, some of which might tie into this one, but I’m not sure.

Sure On This Shining Night by Ellidfics is an Avengers story using mostly comics canon about Superhero Registration (Civil War) with a lot of cross-gender casting; nobody dies, though one character is at risk of it throughout. The thing I loved most was how the author reworked the history of a woman Captain America to fit into what that might have been like historically. Also, there’s a Nero Wolfe series Easter Egg that made me grin. Content warning for creepy Hydra breeding program business that does not come to fruition, but has some scary moments.

Order of Operations by Beckala is another story in which nobody dies, though at first it appears the Avengers are wiped out. A newly-freed Winter Soldier is sent to protect Darcy Lewis; he starts to evade his Hydra programming while they’re on the run. This story is a romance more than an action story, a sort of arranged marriage except it’s Hydra programming and Darcy’s scruples keeping them apart, at least at first. There are quite a few romantic sex scenes. I enjoyed how Darcy uses computer and shooting skills taught to her by her Avengers friends to take part in bringing down Hydra, and how Bucky uses his training for violence to keep them safe.

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#TBR Challenge 2024

I’ll be participating in the #TBRChallenge from Wendy the Super Librarian once again!

Themes for this year are:
January 17, Once More With Feeling: Territory by Emma Bull.
February 21, Furry Friends: The Wider Worlds of Jim Henson, edited by Jennifer C. Garlen and Anissa M. Graham.
March 20, Not in Kansas Anymore: Was by Geoff Ryman.
April 17, No Place Like Home: The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin.
May 15, With a Little Help From My Friends: My Dear Watson by L.A. Fields.
June 19, Bananapants!: Cathy’s Book: If Found Call (650) 266-8233 by Sean Stewart.
July 17, What a Wonderful World: The White Mosque: A Memoir by Sofia Samatar.
August 21, Everyday Heroes: Dancing Bearfoot by Elva Birch.
September 18, Drama!: Blackout by Connie Willis.
October 16, Spooky (Gothic): All Clear by Connie Willis.
November 20, It Came From the 1990s!: Robert A. Heinlein : A Reader’s Companion by J. Daniel Gifford and James Gifford.
December 18, It’s a Party!: Make the Season Bright by Ashley Herring Blake.

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#TBR Challenge – Festive: Coming Home for Christmas by Carla Kelly

Coming Home for Christmas by Carla Kelly is slightly different from the other TBR books I’ve read this year; I actually started it at some point, in either 2020 or 2021, and then just…didn’t finish it, possibly because it’s a print book and I tend to read mostly e-books these days. Anyway! My original choice for this month was not interesting me, so I decided to get myself together and finish this one.

This review contains spoilers.

Warning for a secondary character’s death in childbirth, in the third story.

This book is a collection of three stories, following a family through three different wars. The first story takes place in 1812 California, featuring a British naval surgeon, Thomas Wilkie, and a Spanish noblewoman, Laura Ortiz, fallen on hard times. In the second story their daughter Lily, widowed and with a young son, becomes a nurse during the Crimean War, where she meets a sweet and shy American engineer, Trey Wharton, who’s assigned as a hospital observer (and who, interestingly for romance heroes, aspires to be a career administrator). The third story is set in the United States in 1877 during the American Frontier Wars and features Lily’s son, who’s traveling east from Fort Laramie by train; he’s been adopted by her husband and takes his surname. The single point of view for each story follows the Wilkies: first Thomas, then Lily, then Wilkie Wharton.

As with most Carla Kelly, these stories had a very old-fashioned feel. The first story is a classic Marriage of Convenience and reminded me a lot of Kelly’s novel The Wedding Journey, though set in a different country.

The second story had good parts and less-good parts. While the Turkish sultan in the second story plays a slightly comedic matchmaker role with the couple, his servants are portrayed as crawling in and out of his presence, and his motives are suspect to the heroine until the very end, in a way that was probably realistic but felt uncomfortable to me, and a bit dated. I did love the hero’s grand gesture at the end of the story, which was perfectly in character.

The third story had more depth; its heroine is Frannie Coughlin, the daughter of an Irish hospital steward, and its hero is Wilkie Wharton, a surgeon from a wealthier class who is realizing he does not want to marry the wealthy woman he’s currently engaged to but has not seen for two years (she’s also fallen in love with someone else). The secondary characters display Kelly’s interest in frontier history. Wilkie has been ordered to escort a grieving white woman whose Sioux husband was killed by the Army; she’s being forcibly returned to her birth family, without her two children. Happily, she has a supportive family member awaiting her, and they are able to recover her children legally. Another section focuses on the plight of immigrants on the train, one of whom dies in childbirth, though the baby is saved via Caesarean and adopted by Wilkie and Frannie.

Overall, it was a fairly solid Carla Kelly outing.

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My November Reading Log

The Lady And The Tiger by copperbadge is original fiction in the Shivadh universe, also published under author name Sam Starbuck; it features a romance between Lady Alanna Daskaz and the Duke of Shivadlakia, Gerald ben Eitan, known as Jerry. When the duke of nearby Galia dies, Alanna and Jerry, close friends since childhood, travel there as an official delegation. Alanna investigates the succession, looking for an unknown heir, while Jerry reveals unexpected competence in her support, including fending off suitors. Their romance is subtle at first, but soon feels like an inevitability. They’re really fun together!

The Twelve Points of Caleb Canto by copperbadge is original fiction in the Shivadh universe, also published under author name Sam Starbuck. Askazer-Shivadlakia is a fictional country on the French Riviera ruled by an elected king and known for its liberal politics. This novel is about their first entry into Eurovision and Shivadh music teacher Caleb Canto’s relationship with UK singer Buck Havard. Caleb, a trans man, is autistic and is not fond of performing, but a song he’d written and sold is chosen by a Eurovision singer, who later doesn’t show for the competition, propelling Caleb into an adventure that ultimately changes his life for the better. Caleb is generally reserved but speaks his mind, a trait that at first puts him at odds with the flamboyant rock star Buck, but soon appeals to Buck, who finds it difficult to trust others. They find joy in working together on music, and slowly begin to consider a future together, after the contest ends. This is the fourth novel in the Shivadh universe, and it’s helpful to have read the previous stories in order to fully enjoy the large cast of secondary characters.

The Royals And The Ramblers by copperbadge includes a lesbian romance, but also there is a pregnancy/surrogacy plot and an adoption plot along with lots of new characters, most of them Eddie Rambler’s family. Since I was reading this for the characters, I was not fussed about the many plots happening and enjoyed spending time in this world.

The Blue, Beautiful World by Karen Lord follows The Best of All Possible Worlds and The Galaxy Game but this time takes place almost entirely on Earth, which is unaware that civilizations on other planets have been watching and others interfering to their own advantage; colonialism and post-colonialism are themes throughout these three books. I love sociological science fiction, and Lord’s is marked by expansive worldbuilding that seems far-flung and random at first, with multiple points of view, but gradually coalesces into a fuller picture of a galaxy that includes a range of extrasensory powers and seemingly impossible methods of travel. But Earth, too, has its uniqueness, beyond our current imaginings and even those of the alien beings hoping to shepherd its people into a global government that can help Earth meet its neighbors as equals rather than as a colony. Familiar characters from the earlier books reappear, some in different guises; hope and thoughtful explorations of human interactions remain the same.

Spear by Nicola Griffith was my November TBR Challenge book.

Orson Welles’s Last Movie: The Making of The Other Side of the Wind by Josh Karp was interesting and also depressing. Welles wanted to make a movie without studio interference, which had harmed some of his previous work to the detriment of his reputation; he made this one over a period of years as he could obtain money and resources, with the assistance of some extremely loyal crewmembers, filming in the early 1970s and continuing to work on it until his death in 1985. I learned he could be an immensely charming person, and though brilliant, seemed to be totally incompetent at handling money. Sometimes it was great to read about this intensely meta project: the plot centered on an aging film director’s opus and the found footage of others filming his final screening party, shot with different types of film in a way that seems normal now but I don’t think was at the time. Sometimes the narrative was confusing and tedious when going into the legal disputes among Welles’ heirs and his various funding sources, which included the Shah of Iran’s brother-in-law, that sent the movie into limbo for decades. It didn’t premiere until 2018, by which point almost all of the participants had died. The final cut is currently available on Netflix; I have not watched it. I ended the book feeling a sad sense of lost potential.

Almost No One Makes It Out by atrata is an AU positing that Tony Stark did not have money and joined the army, where he worked as a mechanic. Still a genius, and still captured by terrorists in the Middle East, the outcome of his invention of the Iron Man suit is very different, though Nick Fury does ultimately show up. In this version, Rhodey’s life is virtually the same, only he doesn’t meet Tony until much later; Pepper, unsurprisingly, works in Army logistics and is both supportive of and frustrated by Tony, who once in the army is willing to go to great lengths to get out. The Iron Man suit is almost incidental to the story more about being able to pursue your passions.

a girl wild and unwished for by raven (singlecrow) is another M.A.S.H. story, a historical set in 1957 about Hawkeye participating in a trial of lithium carbonate via canonical character psychiatrist Sidney Freedman, and events of the Cold War relating to establishing emergency hospitals in small towns against the event of nuclear holocaust. The story also features a lovely friendship with Margaret “Hot Lips” Houlihan. I think this story would be enjoyable even if you’d never seen the source material.

Doc Harley by starknjarvis features a post-Joker-breakup Harley Quinn, who’s making a life with girlfriend Pamela Isley, formerly Poison Ivy. An accidental encounter with Nightwing leads to a friendship with Dick Grayson and, eventually, the rest of the Bat family; though she doesn’t have her medical license back, Harley turns out to be very helpful to a group of people with a lot of trauma and a severe lack of therapy. The tone was sweet and humorous.

Beggars Would Ride by Pargoletta is an Old Guard story set in post-Civil War New York City, focusing on immortal Booker/Sebastien le Livre, still mourning his mortal family, as he encounters early photography and spirit photography. Meanwhile, his close bonds with the other immortals and his landlady and her daughter poignantly show both what he’s lost and what he still can have. It’s a story about grief and love and hope, and I loved it.

Are You Out There, Can You Hear This? by lannamichaels is a Vorkosiverse AU in which Duv Galeni was a DJ of Komarran music, and Emperor Gregor became a fan of Komarran music through listening, while maintaining his anonymity. Part Two of this series explores the online bulletin boards for Komarran music in a very realistic and broad-ranging way, and gave me a profound nostalgia for the topical bulletin boards and mailing lists of the 1990s, which I suspect the writer might share.

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My October Reading Log

A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker was my TBR Challenge book for October.

System Collapse by Martha Wells is the new Murderbot book. I won’t spoil anything here! I definitely recommend reviewing the previous volume (Network Effect) if you don’t remember details, as this book follows on directly with very little time interval; I feel the action is subordinate to Murderbot dealing with the personal fallout of those events. It was gripping! Also, Tarik rocks.

Mutiny on the Reliant by WerewolvesAreReal is a Temeraire AU in which Laurence and newly-hatched Temeraire are set adrift and end up in charge of a pirate fleet, as one does.

Declensions by dustorange explores Dick Grayson’s, or in this story Rasit Grisijo’s, life with Bruce Wayne from Dick’s point of view. It starts with the murder of his parents, his Romani father and Turkmenistani mother, so his sense of isolation and distrust when he’s taken into Gotham foster care and then adopted by Bruce is palpable. Writer Devin Grayson was the first to assign Robin/Nightwing Romani heritage, pointing out that there was no prior canonical ethnicity to the character, and it was picked up by several authors after that.

Lost and Found by Gwynne is set in the Vorkosiverse (Lois McMaster Bujold) after Gregor and Laisa have children; while book characters all have large roles, original Vor characters are the focus. This series felt, to me, a bit like Georgette Heyer in tone, with a romantic couple in each of the two main stories. I enjoyed it a lot.

One of Many Great Fires by delgaserasca is a Star Trek alternate universe in which Vulcan did not join the Federation but is now considering it if a Starfleet officer will enter into an arranged marriage with a Vulcan. James Kirk gets volunteered. The potential partner is T’Pring, currently bonded to Spock, who tries to save the treaty by helping Kirk. Romance ensues…but very, very, very slowly and with a subplot about Spock’s mother Amanda, who survived an assassination attempt, a lot of fun speculation about Vulcan culture, and some terrific T’Pring characterization.

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