Category Archives: television

Daredevil 1:3 – 1:4 – Spoilers

Episode Three: 1. I’m still impressed by how this show is showing the moral complications of vigilantism, even when it’s against organized crime, without offering any easy solutions. Matt even makes a speech about morality in court. This episode goes … Continue reading

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Daredevil 1:1 – 1:2 – Spoilers

This post and those that follow will include spoilers. I was a big Daredevil fan for a while in the 1980s, picking it up at the Elektra issues somewhere in the 160s and reading on to some point in the … Continue reading

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If Batman Was Two People

“You are being watched. The government has a secret system: a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know, because I built it. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything. … Continue reading

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Torchwood hits New York City

I spotted this poster for the new Torchwood series around Times Square. It was hard to miss. Note the scale. Compare to the double-decker bus!

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“Garrow’s Law,” Series 1

I have a new post up at The Criminal Element today, titled Dynamic Duos: Wimsey and Vane. I recently finished watching Garrow’s Law, Series One. The series is a little bit like Law and Order: Georgian England, with Andrew Buchan … Continue reading

Posted in dvd, historical fiction, nonfiction, television | Tagged | 2 Comments

Lydia Parks – Guest Post

Please welcome my guest, Lydia Parks! # Thank you, Vickie, for inviting me to be your guest. I’m thrilled to be here, even if only virtually. I know readers and aspiring authors like to hear how published authors got started. … Continue reading

Posted in erotica, guest, television, vampires | 10 Comments

Top 5 Violent Hot Space Opera Babes

And now for something completely different. Sometimes, you just need to watch some women blow things up. Today I’m going to recommend some violent and also hot space opera babes. Traditionally, these are done as top fives, so that’s what … Continue reading

Posted in movies, sf/f, television | 4 Comments

Researching the 1970s – Gwynne Garfinkle Guest Post

Please welcome my guest, Gwynne Garfinkle! # Researching the Jo Book I recently completed the second draft of a novel about a soap opera actress in mid-1970s New York City who’s haunted by the ghost of her best friend who … Continue reading

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Cell Phones Make Life Difficult (For Writers)

When Tanya Huff’s vampire novels were made into a television series, Blood Ties, the original novels were re-released. The first time I read those books, I’d borrowed them from a friend. This time, I bought my own copies, since I … Continue reading

Posted in reading, television, writing craft | 1 Comment

Blackadder Goes Forth

Rather than summarize the British dark comedy series Blackadder Goes Forth for those who’ve never seen the series, I’ll provide a link to the detailed Wikipedia page. It’s set on the Western Front in 1917, and starred Rowan Atkinson. A … Continue reading

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